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Product Name: Aloe Vera Extract

Product Price: Rs 450.00

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Product Key: Aloe Vera Extract

Brand Name: Navchetana Kendra

About Products :

With thorough understanding of the concerned industry, we are offering an effective range of aloe vera extract. Our offered range finds extended applications in various industries, dealing in cosmetics, food, pharmaceutical and medical. Our offered range is processed using natural aloe vera pulp and contemporary processing techniques in compliance with set industrial norms. To ensure its premium quality and purity, we perform a series of tests on the entire range.


Safe usage
Hygienically packed
Accurate composition


The aloe vera plant has been used for thousands of years to heal a variety of conditions, most notably burns, wounds, skin irritations, and constipation. It is grown in most subtropical and tropical locations, including south Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Aloe was one of the most frequently prescribed medicines throughout most of the 18th and 19th centuries and it remains one of the most commonly used herbs in the united states today.


Aloe gel, made from the central part of the aloe leaf, is a common household remedy for minor cuts and burns, as well as sunburns. It can be found in many commercial skin lotions and cosmetics. Aloe contains active compounds that may decrease pain and inflammation and stimulate skin growth and repair. For this reason, aloe vera gel has gained tremendous popularity for relief of burns, with individual success in helping minor burns. In one study, burn sites treated with aloe healed completely in less than 16 days compared to 19 days for sites treated with silver sulfadiazine. In a review of the scientific literature, researchers found that patients who were treated with aloe vera healed an average of almost 9 days sooner than those who weren’t treated with the medicinal plant. However, other studies show mixed results, including at least one study that found aloe actually delayed healing. Aloe is best used for minor burns and skin irritations, and should never be applied to an open wound.
