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Product Name: Amaltas Extract

Product Price: Rs 549.00

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Product Key: Amaltas Extract

Brand Name: Navchetana Kendra

About Products :

Amaltas is a member of Fabaceae family and native of India. It is an herbal flowering plant.It grows in Pakistan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Thailand. In India, it is cultivated in Kerala. It is also recognized as the Ornamental plant in southern India. Cassia Fistula grows in the moist green forest. Amaltas is also known as Indian laburnum. It looks very beautiful tree due to its flower. It is found at an altitude of 1500 meters. It grows up to 50 to 60 cm long in height and its leaves are dark green in color. The fruits of Amaltas are cylindrical in shape and shiny dark brown in color.Its leaves are also shiny.

Health Benefits of Amaltas(Cassia Fistula):-

Amaltas is used to treat constipation, fever, and skin disorders.
It is also used to treat aguesia, Intestinal disorders, and the common cold.
Cassia Fistula is also helped in treating inflammatory disease, for the dressing of ringworms.
It is also used for the treatment of swelling, pain and rheumatism and facial paralysis.
It is also used for alleviating skin irritation.
An Alcoholic extract of Amaltas is also used for reducing the black water fever.
It can also be used to treat millennia due to the existence of herbal property in it.
