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Product Detail

Product Name: Air Dryer

Product Price: Rs 43,000 / Piece

Product Type: -Select Sub Category-

Product Key: Air Dryers

Brand Name: Annair Drychill Tech

About Products :

Minimum Order Quantity: 1 Piece

Material Mild Steel
Drying Capacity 0-20 cfm
Dryer Technology Refrigerated
Dryer Horse Power 1 HP
Voltage 220 Volt
Maximum Pressure 16 Bar
Maximum Air Inlet Temperature 60 Degree Celsius
Maximum Ambient Temperature 50 Degree Celsius
Brand Annair
Applications Machine shop,Printing,Cement,Beverage,Plastics,ChemicalPharmaceutical,ceramic,food processing

Pressure dew point + 3 Degree Celsius

Air Dryer are used for removing moisture from the compressed air line. The refrigerated air dryer is widely used for instrument air applications. Other dryers are required for process applications. More energy efficient dryer types are Heat of compression type and refrigeration-type dryers.
