Annual Registration

Product Detail

Product Name: Graphite Scrap

Product Price: Rs 75 / per kg

Product Type: -Select Sub Category-

Product Key: Graphite Scrap

Brand Name: Carbon Technician

About Products : We bring forth high grade Graphite Scrap that consists of Graphite and Carbon stick in several sizes. The Graphite Scraps range is extensively used in steel foundries and so on. We offer Graphite Scrap at market leading rates to the valued clients.

Graphite Scrap from the debris and graphite in the graphite electrode machining process generated waste. Graphite broken electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, high temperature, low ash, high carbon content, chemical stability and good as the carburizing agent, reducing agent, casting restore bred agent material, widely used in metallurgical industry, refractories, and other fields.
