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Product Name: Graviola Fruit Extract

Product Price: Rs 1320.00

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Product Key: Graviola Fruit Extract

Brand Name: Navchetana Kendra

About Products :

The plant has witnessed useful health benefits and is widely used by many health experts and practitioners to treat their patients. The tree almost every part is used for various types of health conditions such as its bark, leaves, and twigs. The Graviola has a wide array of health benefits and medicinal properties. It has much anti cancer, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and cytotoxic properties. Also, this is widely used as a painkiller. The various health benefits of Graviola fruit extracts are:- Anti microbial and anti parasitic properties- The graviola extracts help in treating certain infectious diseases as well. Studies demonstrate the graviola’s effectiveness fighting against parasitic and microbial attacks. Antihyperglycemic properties- The graviola extracts help in reducing excessive blood sugar levels thereby testing positively to be having atihyperglycemic properties. Anti carcinogenic properties-

The ingredients such as cis-annomontaccin and muricin help in fighting against the damages caused to cell lines. It helps in protecting a human body against the liver cancer as well.

Treats cancer-

The graviola extracts have potential to inhibit the growth of cancerous cells and cure cancer more effectively and quickly. The active ingredients of graviola are stronger than chemotherapy in fighting against the cancer causing cells.

Helps treating uric acid-

By consuming the graviola supplements one can get relief from gouts.
Helps in reducing back ache-

Back pain is an increased problem these days accounted by many people working all day long. The graviola extracts have useful benefits in treating back pain and offering a great relief.
