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Product Name: Guduchi Giloy

Product Price: Rs 420.00

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Product Key: Guduchi Giloy

Brand Name: Navchetana Kendra

About Products :

Guduchi is a glabrous climbing shrub with a succulent stem and papery bark that is creamy white to grey in color. The shrub shoots out aerial roots that usually on neem and mango trees, which could be as long as 30 meters.The plant is a Vine, climber on trees. There are few months back there was a case of amputation narrowly avoided by a gentleman from Kannur, Kerala. Tinospora Cordifolia is found in deciduous and dry forests throughout India. It bears heart-shaped leaves. The yellow flowers are axillary and long-stalked racemes. The fruit is pea-sized, subglobose drupe and red colored on maturity. The herb is also known as guduchi, giloy and gurcha in Hindi.

The botanical name of Tinospora cordifolia is Guduchi. In Ayurveda, Tinospora cordifolia is regarded as high for its medicinal values. The Giloy creeper growing on a neem tree has more medicinal properties than a giloy growing alone. The blood purifying property and bitter taste of neem makes the giloy more potent against Cancer and blood disorders. Guduchi is an immunomodulatory. It is being researched for a variety of health effects, including its effect on diabetes, glucose metabolism, inflammation, immune system support, and neurology.


The herb accords longevity, enhances memory, improves health, and bestows youth, betters complexion, voice, energy and luster of the skin. All parts of guduchi plant are used for various medicinal purposes. The plant oil is effective in reducing pain and edema and in gout and skin diseases. The fresh juice of guduchi, when mixed with rock candy, speeds up the recovery in hepatitis patients.
It is helpful in treating digestive ailments such as hyperacidity, colitis, worm infestations, and loss of appetite, abdominal pain, excessive thirst, and vomiting and even liver disorders like hepatitis.

It helps in remedying ailments such as raktapitta, anemia, cardiac debility, diabetes and splenic disorders.

The starch of the plant serves as a household remedy for chronic fever, relieves burning sensation and increases energy and appetite.
Guduchi helps in getting rid of renal caliculi and reduces blood urea level.
