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Product Detail

Product Name: Hing Ka Achar (Mango Pickle), 200 gm, Oil Free

Product Price: ₹100.00

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Product Key: Hing Ka Achar


About Products :

It is made of special quality mangoes to allow the flavors of heeng and mirch with salt to each piece. It is a very good digestive and this in particular has been made oil free with very high quality heeng (Asafetida). Especially goes well with farsan, mathari namak pare etc. It enhances taste of regular meal when used with paneer tikka, fish, chicken, rice, dal etc. Health benefits

Use to combat respiratory disorders
Lowers blood sugar levels
Helps to control high blood pressure
Protects against cancer
Relief colic pain, Diarrhoea and acidity
Energy Booster due to Vitamin-C
