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Product Detail

Product Name: Kamiya Sindoor

Product Price: Rs 500 / Kg

Product Type: -Select Sub Category-

Product Key: Hindu Religious Products

Brand Name: Global Impex International

About Products :

Minimum Order Quantity: 10 Kg

How to use kamakhya sindoor Kamiya sindoor mix with Gangajal or clean water and make a spiritual symbol in front of door. Mix sindoor in water should be sprinked all over your home or office,factory or business area ,apply kamakhya sindoor on every one forehead.
Benefits of kamakhya sindoor

Kamiya sindoor benefits is positive and beneficial to increase the body aura level and makes its strong ,helps in increasing kundali jagran ,enhances the power of third eye ,protects from negativity of tantra and mantra, build your will power,increase controlling power and cultivates healthy husband and wife relationship.

Signification or importance of Kamiya sindoor

kamiya sindoor aries on the forehead of mesh rashi in astrological significations and symbolic color is red.kamiya sindoor applied forehead and use of the hair for saubhagya.

Kamiya sindoor considered as symbol of parvati and sati for women.kamiya sindoorphysiological significance to controlling blood pressure and increase sexuality basically for married women .
