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Product Name: Medicast P.O.P Bandages

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Product Key: Medicast P.O.P Bandages

Brand Name: Makim Med - Aids

About Products :

A Cast made of Plaster of Paris is extremely safe and does not produce allergies. It can be applied speedily without gloves. It is heavy when wet but becomes much lighter when dry.

Medicast is a fast setting plaster of paris bandage resulting into a strong, snow - white, smooth cast or splint.

It is a porous impregnated Plaster of Paris Bandage conforming to the world-class standards of British Pharmacopoea and is manufactured under the most stringent quality control. It is made of a fine, 100% cotton, best quality Leano Gauze fabric, free from any weaving defects and which can withstand high tensions while being pulled in applying around limbs to be immobilised.

MEDICAST is uniformly coated with very fine, super white, rich quality Plaster of Paris having more than 88% of content of the hemihydrate CaS04, ½H20. It wets quickly on immersion in water and gives a smooth creamy paste of Plaster of Paris impregnated uniformly throughout the bandage. Viscous, creamy paste of P.O.P. allows easy moulding. It remains workable for a sufficient time so as to allow desired moulding and a smooth finish. Weight of P.O.P. per unit area, is more in MEDICAST which reduces the no bandages required per cast.

Medicast P.O.P Bandages are used by orthopaedic surgeons to immobilize fractured limbs. Plaster of Paris has unique property of making such a cast that easily assumes body contours and gives excellent immobilization without creating sharp edges at the cast ends.
