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Product Name: Ultrafiltration System

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Product Type: Filters

Product Key: Ultrafiltration System


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Ultrafiltration unit is basically a filtering process. Ultrafiltration technique using the water treatment itself or osmosis prior to applying to the bilmektedir. ultrafiltrasyo modules, 0.01 micron pore size with a membrane structure and use of chemicals, without the bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms, a complete barrier acts. So this pr larger than the diameter of all particles turning back; 0.1 NTU less than turbidity and organic matter removal an excellent filtration capability shows.

known as drinking water occurring microbiological contamination at removing most practiced method of one of the chlorine to the water dosage operate. This is a considerable effect on the removal of microorganisms, although it is not 100%, some spores can withstand organisms such as microorganisms, disinfectants, but can be held with ultrafiltration membranes.
