Annual Registration

Product Detail

Product Name: Amla Capsule

Product Price: 299

Product Type: -Select Sub Category-

Product Key: Amla capsules

Brand Name: Sunrise Agriland Development and Research Pvt. Ltd

About Products : Sunrise Amla Capsule is a herbal formulation enriched with the goodness of Amla which is a source of Vitamin C. The capsule is used in the treatment of common cold and nasal congestion. It also helps to reduce sneezing, sore throat and cold. It has anti-allergic properties as well and therefore helps to reduce anaphylaxis and other related responses Serves as a laxative and has been found to benefit those with digestive disorder Beneficial in the treatment of respiratory disorders like tuberculosis of the lungs, asthma, and bronchitis Promotes hair growth, pigmentation and prevents premature greying of hair
