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Product Detail

Product Name: Boroline Antiseptic Cream

Product Price: Rs.34/- piece

Product Type: -Select Sub Category-

Product Key: AS/BA-1

Brand Name: Ayur Skins

About Products : It works wonders to your skin by protecting it in harsh weather conditions. It acts as an anti inflammatory and antiseptic cream for wounds, cuts, chapping, sores and post-operative marks and stitches. To utilize efficiently wash your skin well prior to use and then lightly massage the cream to your skin or scatter the contaminated location. Warming up Boroline and utilizing it enriches its effectiveness especially in curing skin infections. It contains Boric Acid that has mild antibacterial and anti fungal properties. Additionally, it contains Zinc Oxide, that is a gentle astringent to the skin and has a soothing and protective actions in skin infections. Anhydrous Lanolin, within Boroline, is a natural product and increases the absorption of active ingredients. It serves as an superb emollient.
