Annual Registration

Product Detail

Product Name: Chocolate mask

Product Price: Rs.375 /- per piece

Product Type: -Select Sub Category-

Product Key: RT/CM-1

Brand Name: RANGTARA

About Products :

Before we bring out our new range of products, we @ Rangtara decided to do a dipstick and the learnings of how last year went for us..So we compiled a list of the 6 trending products of 2018, that is the "Bestsellers" which has been on the top of the business.These are the products that we have mainly considered for our marketing plans for 2019. 
So here is a recap of those products,with our most trusted people who has shown so much love and faith in us
The first bestseller is the Chocolate mask which we call as "CHOC-O-LUST"

Price - Rs.375 for 25 gms
