Annual Registration

Product Detail

Product Name: Food Waste Biogas Digester

Product Price: Rs.23lakh/piece

Product Type:

Product Key: FWBG-1

Brand Name: GEON

About Products :

Waste Input (per day) 1-5 ton

Output (cubic meters per day) >30

Condition New

The food waste digester is a combination of novel circulating floating bed reactor (CFBR) and microbial fixed bed reactor (mFXBR) technology which can handle any quantity of food waste and digest it onsite. Food waste digester is an innovative and efficient design for digesting food waste efficiently. For better efficiency and performance the Food waste digester consists of specially designed plastic carrier with different size distribution which effects the methanogens accumulation thus increasing the methane production. The biomass accumulation and retention in the system was practically estimated during specialized in-house R & D activities.
