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Product Detail

Product Name: Harit Sanjivani

Product Price: Rs.1800/pack

Product Type:

Product Key: HS-1

Brand Name: AJAY

About Products :

Harit Sanjivani an environmentally friendly fertilizer used as organisms that enrich the nutrient quality of soil. This feed is 100% organic manure that is further processed to be converted into effective fertilizer. It is formulated by using quality compounds.

It increases the water holding capacity

It serves as a food to soil micro-organism which helps them to multiply at a faster rate

It enhances the root development and nutrient uptake

It acts as a buffer against chemical fertilizers.

Consists of all major and micro nutrients

Contains not more than 5% w/w moisture thus it is concentrated

Ensures the availability of nutrients to plants at critical stages

Qty: 750 grams(Rs:1800/-)

Qty: 375 grams(Rs:1000/-)

Additional Information:

Packaging Details: 750 grams & 350 grams
