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Product Detail

Product Name: Electronic Weight Indicator

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Product Key: Weight Indicator

Brand Name: Kanan Weighing Systems

About Products :

We bring forth Weight Indicators, which are designed as per the latest technological developments in the industry. These indicators are capable of converting mechanical data into electronic signals, which proves to be elemental in obtaining a digital report of the weight. The indicators are known for their efficiency, high performance and cost-effectiveness. Some of the specific features of these are given as follows:
•Micro processor based
•Full digital calibration
•RFI/EMI suppression & compensation for voltage fluctuation
•Create various report viz. , product, dates etc. Password, delete, print, record, data facility
•Preprinted & plain weigh slip option
•Computer compatible SMPS power supply
•User friendly field configure, software for ticket formatting, auto calibration, memory wash, different reports printing
•100% tare facility
•Auto zero tracking
•RTC with ‘Ni-CD’ battery back up
•Non volatile memory capacity of thousand of weighing tickets
•One parallel and two serial port for interfacing printer and computer
•Attractive color 40 x 2 LCD display for data entry
•IBM keyboard attachment for data entry
