Annual Registration

Product Detail

Product Name: Insulated Rubber Mat

Product Price: ON DEMAND

Product Type:

Product Key: IRM-1

Brand Name: THACKER

About Products :

We manufacture ‘Electrically Insulated Rubber Mats’ in Neoprene polymer for adding the value to insulation. These mats can be utilized in electrical equipment or in electrical sub-station or in control panel. These mats are easy to install on any surface. Our electrically insulated mats are available in 15mm thickness, as per the Indian standard. EIRM is available  in standard size of 450mm X 600mm X 15mm to accommodate any area with locking arrangement.

Customised  Insulated mat with different design and size can be considered for the volume of a container. With amortization of mould cost, any design and size can be considered for a customized mat.
