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Product Detail

Product Name: Jamun Karela Capsule

Product Price: 400

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Product Key: jamun karela capsule

Brand Name: Sunrise Agriland Development and Research Pvt. Ltd

About Products : Jamun or Black plum is a main summer fruit, it is known by different names like Kala jamun, black berry, black plum, naval, and Java plum, which contains many properties like carminative, diuretics, and anti-scorbutic. Due to ployphenolic compounds, it effectively helps in treating against cancer, heart diseases, diabetes treatment, asthma and arthritis. You can also treat stomach problems like dysentery, constipation, bowel syndrome, and flatulence.Karela Capsule is enriched with goodness of Karela.Karela is enriched with Vitamins and nutrients which help in protecting us from harmful diseases.
