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Product Detail

Product Name: Keva Anti Diabetic Capsules

Product Price: Rs. 1199/-

Product Type: -Select Sub Category-

Product Key: KAD-2

Brand Name: Keva

About Products : The very prominent name in the field of healthcare and wellness products Keva Industries has first time introduced this innovative product in India, an natural blend & free from any sort of side effects. Experts say manufacturing the Anti Diabetic capsule is a unique combination of herbs which are scientifically proven for herbal treatment of Diabetes. This Anti Diabetic capsule helps to control blood sugar or glucose levels to better control this disease and reduce side effects, such as cardiovascular disease and nerve damage. This supplement provides balanced nutrition for the diabetic patient. This product has been produced under international GMP regulations. Keva Anti Diabetic capsule helps to control blood sugar levels and manage weight for better diabetes control and overall health.
