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Product Detail

Product Name: Keva Noni

Product Price: Rs. 715/-

Product Type: -Select Sub Category-

Product Key: KN-1

Brand Name: Keva

About Products : Keva Industries has brought Keva Noni the most concentrated juice extracted from Noni fruit, Goji Berry and Withania Somnifera, this unique combination makes Keva Noni Nutritionally Dense health product. Its combination with Goji Berry & Withania Somnifera facilitates people to deal with the many health troubles of this current world. " It is based on the latest grape juice extraction technology being used in California, USA for making natural health products. Keva Noni commits its excellence in terms of hygiene, quality control and presentation. It has been produced under International GMP regulations and awarded by WEPS with International Healthcare Excellence Award. Keva Noni is 100% natural & safe.
