Annual Registration

Product Detail

Product Name: DAY 1 - Nov.14, 2023

Product Price: Per Person USD-1322 Per Child (4-9Yrs) USD-1127

Product Type: -Select Sub Category-

Product Key: Massai Mara, Kenya, Narobi, Wild Life Sanctuary


About Products :

Our drivers would pick up from the JKIA airport at 7AM. You would board our 4*4 Landcruisers to embark on your journey to Maasai Mara. The road journey takes about 5 to 6 hours, but you would be amazed by the landscape enroute. You would first see the Nairobi national park on your left side. On a lucky day, you would also see a White Rhino grazing near the fence. Nairobi city has a national park right in its heart!! And it is home for Lions, Leopards, White rhinos, gazzelles, Giraffes, crowned cranes, and other mammals and birds. This is the only city in the World which boasts a National park within the city limits.

After one hour you would climb up to The Great Rift Valley. This is one priced attraction of Kenya. Formed a millions years back, this valley boasts beautiful lakes and escarpments, which provide havens for plentiful wildlife. The Great Rift Valley runs for 4,000 miles (6,400 kilometers), from Jordan in southwestern Asia to the coast of the Indian Ocean in central Mozambique. We suggest you request your driver to stop when you are on top and enjoy the views of this Nature’s marvel.

You would reach Maasai Mara by noon. Complete your check in formalities and proceed to lunch. After lunch, you would go on your first game drive on the great plains of Maasai Mara!!

This afternoon, our experienced Maasai guides/drivers would take you around the Talek and Topi plains area. There you would find a lot of ungulates, antelopes, zebras and also a huge pride of Lions. This pride is called the ‘Topi Pride’. Relax, sit back and enjoy God’s creations. You would be so excited to see the endless plains of Maasai Mara with its dwellers.

Return to your camp after 6PM. Refresh yourself and head towards the camp fire. Meet up with your group and listen to their first day experience at Mara. Share your magical experiences with them. Have dinner and retire for the day
