Annual Registration

Product Detail

Product Name: New Rapid 500ml Fertilizers

Product Price: Rs.1800/pack

Product Type:

Product Key: NRF-1

Brand Name: AJAY

About Products :

New Rapid is a unique extract derived from Indian Origin herbs by proprietary fermentation process. The various alkaloids and metabolites released by this process are very effective for management/suppression of hard to kill mites & sucking pests like thrips on crops like chilly, tomato, okra, melons, Fruit crops like grapes, Floricultural crops like roses, etc.

RCM Rapid being botanical extract, is non hazardous to environment, non toxic to higher animals and as such is an ideal      input in organic farming.

It works as an antifeedant & works on hormonal system of mites/insect, pests thereby immobilizing them.

It is compatible with almost all commonly used pesticides & bio fertilizers.

Qty :500 ml (Rs 1800/-)

Qty :250 ml (Rs 1000/-) 
